Selected Publications

  • Fisher. J., Sharma. R., Don, N., Barisa. M., Hurtado. M., Abramowski, P., Porter. L., Day. W., Borea. R., Inglott. S., Anderson. J., Pe’er. D. Engineering gdT cells limits tonic signaling associated with chimeric antigen receptors Science Signalling, 10/09/2019, 12(598)

    A first in the world example of CyTOF being used for high-parameter single-cell resolution signalling analysis of chimeric antigen receptors and chimeric costimulatory receptors. Given our research interest in developing novel T-cell engineering strategies, this paper has been particularly important. We applied existing and developed new techniques for describing how synthetic constructs such as chimeric antigen receptors signal, providing a greater level of mechanistic detail at singe-cell resolution than was previously possible. This revealed high levels of autonomous signalling from CAR constructs but not from chimeric costimulatory receptors expressed in gamma-delta T-cells.

  • Fisher. J, Abramowski. P, Wisidagamage Don. N, Flutter. B, Capsomidis. A, Cheung. G, Gustafsson. K, Anderson. J. Avoidance of On-Target Off-Tumor Activation Using a Co-stimulation-Only Chimeric Antigen Receptor. Molecular Therapy 25(5), 1-14 (2017) PMID 28341563

    This paper exemplified chimeric costimulatory receptors expressed in gamma-delta T cells as a means of avoiding on-target off-tumour toxicity, which is a major problem in cancer immunotherapy. We co-invented this immunotherapeutic approach and were pleased to see our work highlighted in a further editorial commentaries.

  • Fisher J, Flutter B, Wesemann F, Frosch J, Rossig C, Gustafsson K, Anderson J. Effective combination treatment using anti-GD2 ch14.18/CHO antibody with Vd2+ gdT cells in Ewing sarcoma and neuroblastoma. Oncoimmunology 2015 Apr 27;5(1):e1025194.

  • Fisher J and Anderson J (2018) Engineering Approaches in Human Gamma Delta T Cells for Cancer Immunotherapy. Front. Immunol. 9:1409. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.01409. PMC6028554

  • Fisher J, Yan M, Heuijerjans J, Carter L, Abolhassani A, Frosch J, Wallace R, Flutter B, Hubank M, Klein N, Callard R, Gustafsson K, Anderson J. Neuroblastoma killing properties of V-delta 2 and V-delta2 negative gamma delta T cells following expansion by artificial antigen presenting cells. Clin Cancer Res. 2014 Jun 3. PMC4445920

  • Fisher. J, Heuijerjans. J, Yan. M, Gustafsson. K, Anderson. J. γδT cells for cancer immunotherapy: A systematic review of clinical trials. Oncoimmunology (3) 17th Jan 2014. PMC3984269