• Melissa Oliver

    I’m Melissa, I am 24 years old and I am an Osteosarcoma survivor. I am also a final year Medical Student, soon to be graduating to start work as a Junior Doctor. Following multiple cancer relapses, various chemotherapy regimes and many operations, I have a wealth of cancer treatment experience and a good idea of what I would have liked in my “ideal” cancer treatment. I am hoping to offer feedback to the Fisher Lab which can help guide research through avenues that continues to improve survival rates whilst also optimising side effect profiles, so that our lives don’t have to come to a halt whilst we are on treatment.

  • George Harvey

    I’m George – I’m a 21 year old Ewing’s Sarcoma survivor currently at two years in remission. I live with my fiancée, Shannon, and my cat, Spinach. My tumour was identified at Stage IIB and was located at the 8th rib on the right-hand side of my ribcage. I spent my 9 months receiving treatment (alternating fortnightly cycles of VDC/IE chemotherapy, followed by a rib-resection) documenting my clinical experience to eventually publish it to support newly diagnosed young adults in their own journey. ‘The Circle’ received positive feedback primarily from people whose loved ones had faced cancer. I currently work as an apprentice digital consultant. I look forward to earning my degree and moving on to publish more of my experiences & insights.

  • Jet Siva

    I’m Jet, I’m 26 and was diagnosed with anaplastic ependymoma (a type of brain tumour) in 2012. Underwent two surgeries and radiotherapy. Then in 2017, I lost my mum to cancer. Therefore, I unfortunately know how devastating fighting cancer can be to someone and their family.

    Currently I work as an engineering estimator within the healthcare sector for a medical gas company. When I’m not working you’ll probably catch me cooking, running or napping.

  • Fynn Mason

    I’m Fynn, a 20-year-old Biomedical sciences student. I was diagnosed with Juvenile Myelo Monocyctic Leukaemia (JMML) at a young age and have spent my entire memorable life with regular hospital visits. With initial treatment at Great Ormond Street Hospital, It took 5 years before I was diagnosed cancer free.

    I hope my personal experience will help the Fisher Lab’s research into new treatments; specifically improving side-effects experienced during and, importantly, post treatment.